Hiring for Growth: How to Create a Recruitment Strategy That Scales With You

Submitted on Tue 01 Oct 2024

Let’s talk about growth—the good kind. The kind where your business is booming, and you’re finally in the position to bring on new team members. It’s exciting, right? But if you've been in this game long enough, you also know that hiring for growth comes with its own unique set of challenges.

Hiring for a vacant role today is one thing, but building a recruitment strategy that grows with your business is an entirely different beast. You’re not just looking for someone to fill a gap—you’re looking for talent that will stick around and evolve with your company as it scales. So, how do you create a recruitment strategy that’s built for the long haul, one that adapts to both your current needs and your future plans? Let’s dive into it.

  1. Think Beyond the Immediate Vacancy

When you’re growing fast, it’s easy to fall into the trap of hiring for the “now.” You’ve got a position to fill, and you need someone to start yesterday. But if you’re only hiring to patch up holes, you might be missing the bigger picture.

Take a step back and ask yourself: “What will this role look like in six months? A year? How will this new hire adapt to a growing company?” You want to bring in people who can grow with your business, not just someone who checks the boxes for today’s needs. Consider their potential for internal mobility. Could they step into a leadership role later on? Can their skills evolve with the business, or are they too niche? Thinking this way from the start helps you avoid the headaches of rehiring and retraining down the line.

  1. Internal Mobility

Here’s the thing about high-growth businesses: the needs change. Often. And when your company is growing, so are your employees (well, at least they should be). One of the most overlooked strategies in recruitment is planning for internal mobility.

If you’re constantly focused on hiring externally for every role, you’re doing a disservice to your current team. By encouraging and planning for internal promotions, you not only fill leadership roles with people who already know and love your company, but you also boost morale. Who wouldn’t want to stay with a company that actively supports their growth?

A recruitment strategy that prioritises internal mobility is one that’s sustainable. It shows your team that they have room to grow, which keeps them engaged and, more importantly, keeps them around. Instead of losing top talent to your competitors, you’re building a ladder for them to climb within your own walls.

  1. Build a Talent Pipeline

Now, let’s get real for a second. When your company is in growth mode, you don’t have time to start your recruitment process from scratch every single time. This is where having a strong talent pipeline comes in handy. Think of it as your “bench”—a pool of candidates you’ve already vetted, and who are eager to join your team when the right role comes up.

But building a talent pipeline isn’t just about having a stack of CVs sitting on your desk. It’s about nurturing relationships. Keep in touch with candidates you didn’t hire the first time around. Maybe the role wasn’t right back then, but as your company grows, there’s a good chance you’ll need their skills down the road.

Don’t wait for a vacancy to arise before reaching out. Stay in contact, offer insights about your company, and when the right role pops up, you’ll have candidates who are already familiar with your business and eager to join. It’s proactive recruitment, and it saves you time, stress, and money in the long run.

One thing’s for sure, your business isn’t going to look the same a year from now. And neither will your recruitment needs. As you scale, you might find that the rigid job descriptions you once relied on don’t quite fit anymore. The market evolves, the technology changes, and what was once a crucial skill might become irrelevant overnight.

That’s why flexibility needs to be baked into your recruitment strategy. Instead of focusing on a specific set of skills, consider hiring for adaptability and potential. You want candidates who can learn and grow, who are excited about evolving with your company. This way, when things inevitably change (and they will), your team will be ready to pivot.

Here’s a pro tip…don’t try to do it all on your own!

When your company is scaling, you’re already juggling a million things. Managing a fast-growing team and trying to find top talent simultaneously? It’s a lot. That’s why partnering with a recruitment agency that understands your growth strategy is key.

A good agency will go beyond just sending you CVs. They’ll take the time to understand your business, your culture, and your long-term goals. They can help you build a talent pipeline, ensure internal mobility is part of your strategy, and find candidates who fit the bigger picture—not just the vacancy. Plus, they can help you avoid costly mis-hires by matching you with candidates who are in it for the long run.

At the end of the day, hiring for growth isn’t about quick fixes. It’s about building a recruitment strategy that scales with you. One that fills today’s roles while preparing for tomorrow’s opportunities. It’s about internal mobility, flexible talent, and having a team that’s ready to grow with your company.

And remember, as your business grows, your recruitment strategy should evolve, too. Don’t be afraid to revisit and tweak it regularly. Keep your long-term vision in mind, and before you know it, you’ll have a rockstar team that’s as dynamic as your company.

If you’re serious about growth, you need more than just a solid recruitment strategy—you need peace of mind. That’s where our Lifetime Guarantee comes in.

Imagine this…

You hire someone today, and they leave after 3 months—no problem, we replace them for free. Or maybe you hire someone incredible, promote them after a year, and now you need to backfill their role. We’ve still got you covered, with a 25% discount on their replacement, forever.

The Lifetime Guarantee is designed to take the stress out of recruitment by ensuring that your investment in talent is protected. You’ll never have to worry about paying full recruitment fees over and over again. Whether it's internal promotions, unexpected departures, or team growth, we’ve got your back for the long haul.

Ready to grow your team with less financial risk? Find out more about our Lifetime Guarantee or give us a call on 02 8346 6700 and let’s talk about how we can help build for the future without the stress.


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