Submitted on Fri 03 Aug 2018
Sometimes, as a recruitment agency, its not easy to be an employer of choice. Its a high pressure industry with a notoriously high staff churn rate. But, (and we're blowing our own trumpet a bit here), we've worked hard at it. And this effort has been rewarded by those nice people over at Australian Business Awards who have named us as Employers of Choice in the 2018 ABA's.
We often get asked by other companies about how we create a good culture. For us the secret sauce is to continually find the balance between intensity and fun.
Its nice to work in a company where everyone feels safe and happy and has fun all the time. But this doesn't always lead to high performance. And if you employ A players then they get bored quickly when performance is low.
Its great to work for a company that is always striving and hitting stretch goals. But after a while people can get burnt out and before you know it work/life balance goes out the window.
For us the secret to being an employer of choice is to continually strive to find the balance between the two. We have internal systems that are designed to leave people alone when they are OK and to step in when they need help. We plan everything around trying to make everyone enjoy the work they do but also around helping them do it better. We all share a common goal, to make people enjoy the recruitment experience again, and we all know that we are there every day to do more than just a job. This drives the balance between fun and intensity. We believe that this is key to being an employer of choice.
We also have a glitter ball in the kitchen.