Submitted on Tue 16 Aug 2016
If you haven't already seen our latest Linkedin ad campaign head to to check it out!
We're quirky, we're fun, we're fresh and hungry! And that is exactly what this ad campaign reflects. The team got together and identified their favourite old school board games and decided to turn it into a huge ad campaign to assist us in finding excellent talent amoungst the world of Linkedin, and that it did!
Our puntastic ads consisted of; Operation, Buckeroo, Hungry Hippos, Monopoly, Pacman, Cluedo, Battleship, Snakes & Ladders and the most popular - Guess Who. It was then our lucky winner Sonja's who's name was picked out of the hat who soon saw all the games arrive at her door step all the way in Sunny Canada. Thanks to our Canadian for always supporting us even if we're oceans apart.
If you were meaning to apply but didnt get around to it then visit 'Join Us' and give us a call.