Why work at The Recruitment Company

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The Recruitment Company exists to make people enjoy the recruitment experience again. Its why we are constantly improving, its why we live and die by our values and its why we get up in the morning. As a company we can gather the ingredients, set things up, but it all means nothing if we don’t have the right people in the kitchen. Here are some of our key ingredients to help you decide if you want to help us make people enjoy the recruitment experience again.

Best Workplaces award 2022

Why were we named Australia’s Best Workplace?

Great Places to Work named us as Australia’s Best Workplace (under 30 employees category) 2022. But what does it take to be Australia’s best small business to work for? And more importantly what does it mean to you? A focus on culture has made our team happier, more productive and better at servicing our customers. Click below to find out about the ingredients that go into making The Recruiment Company Australia’s best small workplace.

Class clowns all grown up
Big cuddly ninja assassins
Scholars of the old masters of the new
Recruitment renegades

What Makes us, US?

The Recruitment Company is a values driven organisation. We enjoy what we do and we do it well. We have a lot of fun. But enjoyment isn’t just about meals, beers and pool tables (although we do have a pool table, our own bar, a karaoke machine and a glitter ball) its about feeling valued, being trusted and having freedom to live your life how you want to. For us, flexibility is not a thing we do, it is who we are. Click below to see how fun, innovation, flexibility and results are the elements that make us, us.


What do you get when you join?

The Recruitment Company values its people. And we reward people well. We have an amazing office (that you don’t have to go to if you don’t want to), we have a brilliant commission structure and a benefits package called Jurassic Perks and we have an incentive program that rewards consistency, high performance and living our values. But even better than the ‘stuff’ is the culture. At The Recruitment Company you can earn great money, have genuine career development AND help create something amazing.

Making people enjoy the recruitment experiance again

What Roles are available?

We exist to make people enjoy the recruitment experience again. We’re always looking for great people who want to help us make this a reality. We look for high performers who walk the tightrope between service and sales, between fun and professional, old school and innovative and disruptive and respectful. We have specific roles from time to time but we’re always on the lookout for amazing people. So drop us a line, you never know. Maybe now wont be the right time, but it never hurts to get the ball rolling.

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Step 2:Uploading your CV

Whats happening at TRC?

Theres always something happening at The Recruitment Company. Come rain or shine, pandemic or no pandemic, we’re always gathering ideas, pushing out new things, getting our faces onto industry news or just getting together, having fun. We’re active in our communities and we are active contributors to our industry. Subscribe to our blog to keep up to date with our latest news, to our podcast to see the content we push out and our YouTube channel to see all sorts of random stuff.

making people enjoy the recruitment experiance again

If you are the kind of person who loves, above all else, serving up great recruitment experiences then we want to talk to you. If you are the sort of person for whom being an active contributor within your candidate community is your bread and butter then we want to talk to you. If you are the sort of person who values, in equal measures, delivery and service to clients then… well you get the picture.

But the big question is, do you want to speak to us? We all know good recruiters go like hot cakes. Picking your next recruitment agency is a big decision. We hope that you decide that you too want to help us make people enjoy the recruitment experience again.

Oh' go on then lets have a chat

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