
How to improve your company culture by using video

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Here at The Recruitment Company, we're big fans of innovation, particularly when it comes to the benefits of video for businesses. There are so many different ways that creative use of new video technology can benefit organisations, and one of the most important is by improving company culture.

In this article, we'll take a closer look at how t…

What is the future of payment technology in Australia?

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Rapid advancements in technology are affecting almost every element of our lives, with new products and services making everything from booking a function space to recruiting a new employee quicker and easier. One sector that exemplifies this new approach is banking, particularly with payments and transactions, which have previously been slow, u…

3 reasons to invest in UX design in 2018

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If there's a single thing that almost every business has in common, it's a desire to improve the customer experience. In today's increasingly advanced technological landscape, one of the critical factors that can make or break this objective is the user experience (UX).

UX could refer to a website, an application or a piece of software, but if …

Why innovative recruitment is necessary for your business

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Innovation is one of the biggest buzzwords in recruitment, but there's far more to it than simply gaining an edge over the competition with a fresh approach. Instead, in our rapidly changing world, innovative recruitment strategies in Australia have become a necessity - simply for businesses to keep up! 

However, with new technologies emerging …

5 examples of how Dublin's tech scene is still growing

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In a series of recent articles here on The Recruitment Company's blog, we've taken a look at the booming Dublin tech scene, and what makes it so attractive to talented IT workers and industry-leading organisations alike. There are no signs of Ireland's IT industry slowing down, and in this article, we'll take a closer look at five factors that c…

Why you or your business should consider video recruitment

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As we look forward to 2018, it's important to take stock of where recruitment in Australia has progressed over the last year, and where there's still room for improvement. One of the most significant shifts we've seen is the embracing of new technologies, with more and more businesses looking for innovative solutions to find better fits for thei…

The Great Recruitment Industry Survey

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Love recruiters?  Hate recruiters? Indifferent to recruiters but like chipping in your two cents worth on any subject on the internet?  Whichever it is we want your opinion. We want to know what you feel about the recruitment industry as a whole.

We're embarking on a mission to make ourselves better but we need to know what it is about our industr…

Top 4 video recruitment products for Australian businesses

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The world of recruitment is becoming more advanced every year, with new technologies revolutionising the way that businesses and recruitment agencies secure the best talent. One of the biggest shifts we've seen over the last few years has been the rise of video, which is now an invaluable tool at multiple points throughout the hiring process. 

3 recruitment innovations to embrace in 2018

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There's no doubting the competitiveness of the Australian recruitment industry, particularly in fields like construction, IT and finance where there's a shortage of skilled workers available to take on new roles. This can make it difficult for businesses to secure top talent, unless they have the right support to cut through the competition and …