
What can be done to make remote working more effective?

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A generation ago, it never would have seemed possible, but today more and more employees are staying home and taking advantage of flexible working arrangements, working remotely rather than physically going into an office. Modern technology has made this a realistic option, now that practically all our data is stored in the cloud and we can be p…

Recruiters, which Star Wars character is your boss?Part 2: The Manipulator

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Its fair to say that our industry attracts its fair share of sociopaths. Most of us are nice folk; even tempered and well adjusted. But then there are those amongst us who, to put it kindly, aren’t quite as balanced. And sometimes those individuals are actually quite good at recruitment. And one of the interesting traits of recruitment is that, regardless of which side of the sociopath line people sit, if they are good at recruiting they often get promoted into management roles. So how do we categorise them? Star Wars of course. Although we like to think of ourselves as cheeky smugglers, starry-eyed farm boys or quick witted princesses, we also have to accept that many who hold positions of authority within our industry are in fact Sith Lords, Hutt Gangsters or riddle talking small green things (metaphorically speaking). So which of these Star Wars characters most resembles your recruitment manager? Last week we looked at The Motivator, this week we look at the creature known as … The manipulator

Tales of untetheredPart 2: The Sydney Newbie

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How does a flexible working environment work in recruitment? Can it work? How does it impact recruiters and the business they work for? In our 5 part series The Recruitment Company talks about our individual, first hand experiences with becoming what we like to call ‘untethered’.

Working in SydneyVideo Blog

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The Recruitment Company's Sarah Banek talks about why Sydney is such a great place for recruiters to work.



If you've enjoyed the video, you're a recruiter or HR professional and my blog has sparked your interest in working for a leading Sydney recruitment agency, check out our current opportunities here  or get in contact with me for a con…

How to look for good company culture [Video]

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Hi, and welcome to The Recruitment Company video blog.

A company's culture is what can make or break your working life, but when you're in the process of applying for a new job, is culture something you're considering? Let's quickly discuss two ways to research a work environment.

First, we recommend you investigate how the company opera…