How to Approach Your First Day on a New Job
Tuesday June 12, 2018

Guest Blogger Daniel Ross talks about some of the issues faced (and tips for overcoming them) when turning up to the first day in a new job.
The first day on the job means you’re meeting people for the first time. First impressions are always important. This is your opportunity to make a mark, to give people something to remember. The usual things to worry about are choosing the best outfit, rehearsing a one-minute introduction, practicing your body language, etc.
Before you start panicking on how to go about your first day, here are a few tips that can help you out:
Prepare Your Mind, Body and Soul
This means being mentally, emotionally and physically ready for your first day. Coming prepared for anything will always have its advantages. It’s best to keep track of all three things because it will only take one slip up to hurt your chances of making a good impression on your first day at your dream job.
Be eager to learn new things
Mentally preparing yourself requires an open mind and the eagerness to learn new things. It doesn’t matter if you’re a fresh graduate or a long-time part of the workforce. You’re new to this company, so in order to have better insight, be a sponge; absorb everything.
You know what they say, “No one is ever too smart to stop learning.”
Being open-minded will also help you know where to start, how to impress, and how to not disappoint. Be an observer, see how people work; you’ll be surprised at how advantageous this can be.
Listen more, speak less
Your first day is where you make a first impression. Usually, the easiest way to make a good impression is by being friendly, getting to know your peers and even your boss. But it is also important to know where to draw the line between making an impression and being a show-off.
If you’ve been working in same field for some time, refrain from always talking about your last job. This will not leave a good impression on your peers. It is possible that you just want to share your own experiences and some stock knowledge, but no one likes know-it-alls; especially someone new.
To make it easy, always repeat this to yourself: listen more, speak less.
Avoid office gossip
Socializing is very important, but know where you stand. Once the conversation starts steering to more personal agendas, it’s best to stay quiet. What’s worse than being told about office gossip is asking for it. Never fish for gossip; as a newbie, you’re still trying to figure out each social group. You don’t want to start feuds on your first day or first week on the job, right? Engaging in gossip, most especially, engaging in it with the wrong people can lead to having unwanted rivals.
Socialize over lunch
Normally you get to have the same lunch breaks with some of your peers. A tip that is usually neglected, but is actually very important, is to never decline lunch invitations. If your peers invite you to eat lunch with them, say yes because, why not? It’s their subtle way of showing you that they like you and would like to get to know you better. Bonding with your co-workers outside of the office will build stronger relationships, something very advantageous for everyone. If you decline, it just might throw them off.
Be on time
Always be on time, if not 15-30 minutes early. If needed, extend your hours after shift. Show your bosses that you are here to stay. Whilst doing these, of course, make sure to avoid complaining. If you easily get tired or are feeling overworked or bored, don’t be too vocal about it.
On your first day, expect the unexpected. This isn’t like the first day of class where it’s almost only all about introductions and orientations. Normally, for the first few months, you’ll be under probation or observation. This is your opportunity to give your best, to work hard enough and to prove you are worth it. Making good impressions is not just about what you say to people; it’s also about how you walk the talk.
The Key to Survival is Adaptation
You won’t always be the new kid on the block, but while you are, it’s best to take advantage of it. Whenever there are new hires, current employees are always notified. Most of them, hopefully, are eager to help. Take advantage of this opportunity, always ask questions.
The task at hand can be objective, easily learned throughout the course of your stay with the company; the hardest things to learn are the unaddressed rules. The best way to adapt is not only about being good at your job, but also about knowing the ins and outs of the office. And who would be a better teacher for these things than your peers?
Learn the little things, such as how to label your food in the shared refrigerator so it won’t get stolen, or what’s the fastest way to get coffee. These are actually the most challenging to learn. But believe me when I say that once you do get the hang of them, it’ll feel like you’ve already been working there for years.
Be Yourself
Being prepared mentally, emotionally, and physically requires making adjustment to fit in, and impressing the people that you work with. But underneath all that, the best advice to get people to respect and take notice of you, is to just be yourself. Smile, don’t be judgmental, and always have a good attitude.
Hopefully, you will be working with these people for a long time, building bonds and sharing triumphs. With that said, being smart and charismatic is just as important as being kind and trustworthy.
Author Bio:
Daniel Ross is part of the marketing team at — a scheduling and payroll software platform founded in Australia. Their mission is to change the way the world manages its workforces.