What is the mindset of a successful recruiter?
Wednesday August 1, 2018

The amazing Sophie Robertson has been coaching recruiters for a long time. She's seen the good, the bad and the average. She let us interview her to share some of what she's learnt over the years. In the first part of this video series she talks about the mindset that great recruiters adopt. She talks about the theory of the 'growth mindset' and how successful recruiters naturally apply that in their day to day work.
What does it take to make it as a recruiter in a modern recruitment agency? Sophie sheds some light on what makes an amazing recruiter.
Sophie is the author of "How to Build a Lucrative Temp Desk" and has recently launched a recruitment coaching app that is available on Google and Apple app stores. Its free and has some amazing content and insights. You can find more details (and some special offers) on her website www.youniquecoaching.com.au
You can subscribe to our blog and our youtube channel to get the rest of this series as we release it.