Building company culture is a key challenge for businesses today
Monday October 17, 2016

At just about every place of business, there's an understanding that building a strong company culture is important. After all, if your culture is strong, it becomes easier to retain your employees for the long haul and get great work from them. This increases productivity and reduces the amounts of time and money you have to invest in recruiting and training new people.
The business world is competitive, and many employees are hopping from job to job - how can you keep your company culture?
A vibrant culture is a major challenge, though, as many companies have admitted they've struggled in recent years to maintain it. The business world is competitive, and many employees are hopping from job to job. How can you keep your employees dialed in?
Breaking down the culture dilemma
When you're working to staff an organisation, be it in technology recruitment or any other sector, it's not enough just to recruit people who look strong on paper. You also need to bring them together to build a strong culture.
The data shows how difficult this is. According to Deloitte's "Global Human Capital Trends 2015" report, culture and engagement are the most important issues companies face around the world today. Among organisational leaders, 87 per cent identify culture as a top challenge, and 50 per cent call the problem "very important."
How can this challenge be addressed? Deloitte found that assigning meaningful work is a good start. If you give people roles that fit their skills well and keep them interested, you're well on your way.
Changing the dynamic in your office
In large part, culture is based upon the way people go about their daily routines in your office every day. If they're happy at work day-to-day they tend to stay. And retention of the right people long term creates a culture of stability and consistency.

Inc. Magazine notes that this is why communication is so important. If people are willing to talk regularly about their work and collaborate with one another, that will be a key component of engaging them culturally.
In an ideal world, your employees care about their co-workers on a human level, not just for work reasons. They're genuinely curious about what's going on in each other's lives and engage with each other in and outside of work. They also care about the collective success of the team and company, encouraging cross selling and collaboration. If you can reach this point, you're well on your way to a strong engaging culture.
Partnering with the right recruiters
If you're passionate about building a stronger company culture, why not partner with a recruitment agency in Sydney that shares your passion. At The Recruitment Company strong culture is our biggest draw card, and there's nothing we enjoy more than partnering with like-minded customers.
So get in touch with me at [email protected] or visit us on