Building certifiers facing tougher regulations amid concerns about safety
Tuesday November 1, 2016

The process of constructing a new building is long and complicated, with a great deal of planning required and many steps that must be taken before a building is ready for people to occupy it. One such step that's often taken for granted is the one at the very end - certification. Once a building is complete, it must be inspected and certified as a safe, inhabitable place to be.
Stricter government regulation is forcing building certifiers to be more vigilant.
In the past, many builders have tried to rush through this step, getting certified as quickly as possible so they can hurry up and get the building rented or sold. In the near future, however, this might not be possible. Stricter government regulation is forcing certifiers to be more vigilant, which might significantly shake up the process.
How the certification process works
One reason building services recruitment is so complicated is it requires a lot of skilled people weighing in on the process. According to the New South Wales Building Professionals Board, a building certifier is one such party. What a certifier does is inspect construction work on an ongoing basis, checking up at each stage to ensure the work meets safety standards.
At the end of the building process, the owner of the property must apply for a final occupation certificate that verifies the building is ready for use. This process can only be finalised after the entire structure goes through one last inspection.
Laws are getting tougher in 2016
In the past, getting through this inspection phase hasn't been that much trouble. We're now seeing that process begin to tighten up, however. It was reported in September by 7News Sydney that tougher restrictions are being put in place this year, including mandatory annual fire safety checks as well as a stricter accreditation process from the very beginning.Government restrictions are tightening up on building inspectors.
"Certifiers play a critical role in the building process, and these reforms will ensure safety and confidence in the system," Regulation Minister Victor Dominello said.
Solid staffing decisions are a must
With the laws on building certification becoming stricter, there's little room for error when it comes to construction. Every new structure that goes up must be highly structurally sound and safe for all inhabitants. Making this happen requires a strong approach to staffing, ensuring the right people are working in every position.
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