Acing the interview - Tip #9: Be confident with your body language [Video]
Thursday March 10, 2016

In the ninth video of our 10 part series, Acing the Interview, we tell you how your body language says a lot about you. For more recruitment advice, keep an eye out for other great tips on our blog!
Making a stellar first impression in an interview is one of the most important parts of the process. However, the way you present and conduct yourself can be just as important as what you say.
According to Amy Cuddy of Harvard Business School, appearing strong and confident is vital for putting your prospective employee at ease. This is also a good way to build trust quickly and assure you can walk the walk as well as talk up a storm.
Even if you are feeling nervous, it is a good idea to practice confident body language. This means pulling your shoulders back, head up and adopting an open posture to express that you feel comfortable and secure. This confidence building technique can work wonders right from the moment you enter the office.
Until next time, keep your head high and thanks for watching!