Can a recruiter work in a flexible workplace?
Thursday June 9, 2016

In the digitally-enabled business environment of today, employees in many industries no longer have to come in to the office to get their work done. But is recruitment one of them? How does the traditional recruitment sales floor survive in a world of cloud technology, and how can a recruiter share client information in an environment with a dispersed workforce? Do the benefits of avoiding rush hour commutes outweigh the disadvantages?
These are all considerations that recruiters need to take into account before deciding if flexible work and a company offering flexible working conditions is right for them.
Around 80 per cent of satisfied employees are allowed to work from home.
Is flexible working a viable option?
Offering flexible work can be advantageous for businesses, which is why an increasing number of them are embracing the work-from-home trend.
A 2013 report by Deloitte Access Economics suggests that there is a link between employees satisfaction and flexible practices. About 80 per cent of employees who reported feeling satisfied with their jobs were allowed to use technology to work from home.
Likewise, Deloitte's 2016 Millennial survey shows that flexible working is the third most important factor that jobseekers look for, and the most important is a good work-life balance, favoured by over 17 per cent of respondents.
Satisfied employees who appreciate flexible work can be more motivated to do their best for the company, and consequently hit targets and deliver better results. Investing greater trust and autonomy into their employees through flexibility can be very beneficial for businesses as a result.
Within the world of recruitment, a motivated, committed sales force can only be a good thing. Empowered, happy consultants are more likely to go the extra mile.
Although flexible working can sound like an ideal situation, it needs to be managed in the right way to be successful. If you are looking at a recruitment job within a company promising flexible working conditions, there are a few questions you should ask to check that the company isn't just jumping on the 'flexibility' bandwagon without thinking it through.
Should you work for a recruitment company that offers flexible conditions?
What structure is in place for flexible work, and what systems do they use to accommodate it? How will you be held accountable for your tasks? And how do they measure whether flexible work is successful? Without clear answers to the questions, flexibility can equal chaos. Chaos equals poor billings and that leads to less commission.
Once you know the answers to these questions, you will be better able to judge whether flexible work within that particular company will be suitable for you.
At The Recruitment Company we believe in flexible working conditions, and we also believe that we have built the infrastructure, systems and culture to reap the benefits without the chaos. Our team enjoys flexibility AND structure, empowerment AND support. They work when they want, they pretty much work where they want AND they still smash their targets. If you think a flexible recruitment role would suit you but want to make sure the company has thought it through then get in contact with us today for an initial chat.