IT professionals in high demand - report
Tuesday June 23, 2015

There is no doubt that whatever industry you are involved in, digital technologies is having a significant influence on your progress. From the public to the private sector, IT professionals have made key differences in recent years. However, this demand is highlighting a serious skills shortage.
The Australian Computer Society and Deloitte recently released its collaborative report titled Australia's Digital Pulse. According to the statistics, there has been a 5 per cent growth in the number of ICT professionals in the last year with more than 600,000 individuals now working across the country. In fact, digital technologies contribute around 5 per cent of the country's GDP.
Despite these figures, the report calculates that Australia needs another 100,000 workers over the coming six years.
Deloitte Access Economics Director John O'Mahoney explained the need for more IT professionals.
"The contribution from ICT to Australia's economy, and our successfully meeting our productivity challenges, are at risk if we don't ensure there is an adequate workforce equipped with the necessary ICT skills," he said.
"We urgently need to boost both awareness and opportunity around ICT skills development."
One of the key statistics to emerge from the study was that 47 per cent of all ICT trained professionals are actually working in industries outside IT. This included professions in accounting, advertising and marketing.
In fact, this could be a way to address the ICT skill shortage in the coming years - recruiters looking outside normal channels to ensure that roles are filled with qualified people who are willing to move back into ICT. This industry is full of potential, but it needs candidates who are willing to return and enjoy what is a growing and innovative sector.
For more information about ICT recruitment in the public sector, contact the expert team at The Recruitment Company today.
By Jodie Scott