How to ace a telephone interview
Tuesday June 16, 2015

With IT roles becoming available across Australia, it is possible that you'll be applying for a job where you can't actually get to the interview in person. As such, a phone interview is conducted to analyse your suitability.
While this situation removing the sometimes awkwardness of a physical job interview, candidates still need to prepare themselves properly. There is no doubt that phone interviews are becoming more popular, so what tricks might make the difference?
1) Have the internet open
For candidates, the true benefit of a phone interview is the fact that you can essentially cheat your way through it. Open up your C.V, references and the company website to ensure that you have all the answers on tap when asked.
This way, you can ask intelligent questions about the brand, work and career progression and make it look like you've done a lot of homework on the subject.
2) Smile while you talk
It can be easy to sound bored or disengaged over the phone so remember to smile. While nobody can see your pearly whites, smiling adds an element of energy and excitement to what you are conveying.
To a hiring managers, this highlights your enthusiasm for the role and gives them something to remember you by when they are making their decision.
3) Be ready
At a physical job interview, you might have a few minutes to compose yourself before heading in. However, there is no such luxury in phone interviews as the business could ring at any point. As such, remember to have all your documents ready at least 10 minutes before the scheduled time and ensure the environment is as quiet as possible.
Some hiring managers use this as a technique to reveal your organisation skills - so plan ahead of time!
For more information about getting a role in the public sector, contact the expert team at The Recruitment Company today.
By Charlie McGillian