More time required to place IT candidates into roles
Friday February 27, 2015

The IT sector is one of the fastest growing areas of the Australian economy with new roles, jobs and opportunities constantly being created.
However, one of the impacts of this trend is that it's taking IT recruiters longer to place contractors into certain roles.
This was one of the findings out of the recently released Information Technology Contract and Recruitment Association (ITCRA) ICT Employment Trends Report. Taking data from the association itself and government and industry sources, it provides critical insight into ICT employment in Australia.
ITCRA CEO Julie Mills explained that as more businesses seek candidates, contractors have more choice to where they lend their services.
"The market is feeling confident which is being reflected in strong job advertising growth, so it is not surprising that it is becoming more competitive to place ICT contractors," she said in a February 19 media statement.
State by state analysis
ITCRA also offered information about where the IT demand was greatest among the states and territories. While the ACT (45 days) remains the longest wait for businesses, Victoria saw the sharpest rise in the October to December 2014 quarter (16 to 33 days).
All states and territories bar South Australia (25 down to 20 days) saw the number of days to place an ICT contractor increase as more roles become available.
"This means that in most of Australia, it is getting harder to find the right ICT contractor for each role," Ms Mills stated.
With this trend only expected to increase over the coming months, it highlights the importance of connecting with a dedicated recruitment provider which can analyse your open position.
The more information that is collected and investigated, the more chance that the role will be filled quicker and vital IT systems can be covered.
For more insight into the current state of the Australian ICT recruitment market, contact the expert team at TRC Group.